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Showing posts from February, 2020

For Allen Onyema: It’s a life of enduring legacy

Allen Onyema By Collins Adaka Nigeria, the seventh-largest country in the world, is a complex multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious society. This huge population probably is why it has failed to manage her diversities very well. As a result, there are always one conflict or the other in some part of the country. Also read: Alleged Air peace fraud: Enemies of Igbo at work — Ogbako Igbo  This regular flare-up of conflict is apparently what shaped the philosophy of the Chairman of Air Peace and Founder of the Foundation for Ethnic Harmony of Nigeria, Mr Allen Onyema is a patriotic Nigerian whose penchant for peace and stability of Nigeria knows no bounds. Onyema’s peace advocacy started while he was a student at the University of Ibadan (UI). Thence, he and other nine students travelled to the ancient city of Zaria to mediate in a raging religious and ethnic riot that claimed several lives. As a result of the publicity he and his colleagues received on return to their c

FUNMILAYO WAHEED: I dropped out of medical school due to poverty

•Funmilayo Adejoko Waheed By Josephine Agbonkhese To Funmilayo Adejoko-Waheed, an engineer, ‘money is good, but useless when not used to add value to people’s lives.’  The name of the Founder of Funmilayo Ayinke Humanity Foundation has literally become synonymous with ‘giving’ in Ogun State. A former lecturer at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Adejoko-Waheed cheerfully spends hundreds of millions giving to the poor, widows and vulnerable children of widows and single parents every year. Over the years, she has empowered over 10,000 women and sponsored over 500 undergraduates in university; all of whom today, fondly call her ‘mummy’. In this chat, Adejoko-Waheed, who is Executive Director, Funmi Ayinke Limited, a firm with multiple interests including engineering, reveals why she is committed to helping people out of poverty. Do you have your eyes on politics or have you been confronted by people about having political ambition? I am only doing what God has put i

Joyful Homes: Between our expectation and manifestation

By Funmi Komolafe It’s a new month. The first day in the month of March. Let’s appreciate God for his goodness to us in the last two months even as we look forward to more of his blessings in the new month. At whatever level we are, we surely want to move up. The rich wants to get richer, the barren wants to fruitful, the unemployed desires a job, the single hopes to get married, the sick wishes to be healed. Others want to be promoted from one position to another. We can go on and on. Though our desires may be different, we all wish to go on to another level. As human beings, we make efforts to attain our goals but some issues are clearly beyond us. With all that we may have put in, we just find that results aren’t anywhere close by. ALSO READ:   Joyful Homes: Coping with social pressure When situations like this occur, one needs to do a sober reflection on what to do to attain those goals. As Christians, such situations put our faith to test. Let’s take a cue from the words o

Regional Police: Insecurity in Igboland and our pact with IGP — Umahi

Governor of Ebonyi state, David Umahi By Chris Onuoha G overnor Dave Umahi of Ebonyi State is also the Chairman of the South-East Governors’ Forum. Umahi, in this interview, speaks on insecurity in the country and the agitation to have regional police in the South-East just like the South-West has Operation Amotekun. Also read: Regional security outfits threat to Nigeria’s survival – Ita-Enang Can you tell us about your conversation with the Inspector General of Police? Was it what you were proposing that you got or what did you agree? Because of the heightened insecurity in every part of the country, people are agitating for different types of protection. And the summation of all these agitations is that people want state police.  Governors took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution. So, it becomes very difficult to have the governors do the wish of the people in terms of giving them what they are asking for in different forms. But we had a discussion with the Inspector

Wammako urges recapitalsiation of FMBN

By Nnamdi Ojiego New President of the Real Estate Developers Association of Nigeria (REDAN), Dr. Aliyu Wammako, has made a call for the urgent recapitalization and streamlining of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN). Wammako made the call at his investiture as the 4th President of REDAN in Abuja. The new REDAN boss stated that the FMBN had a low capital in the area of five billion naira with other institutions pegging about eight billion according to the Central Bank of Nigeria’s indices. He added that its inadequacy makes the provision of more homes a herculean task for real estate developers. ALSO READ:   FMBN needs 500bn recapitalisation to provide affordable houses — Umar Abdullahi He advised the Federal Government to look into the challenges of housing development and the underlying responsibilities of the FMBN in providing affordable houses for Nigerians Wammako said Real Estate development contributed to about 6.4 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of

VAT: Fresh hike can bankrupt companies — Aighobahi

By Victor ‘Tunde Oso Felix Aighobahi, Sales Director of Euro Global Foods and Distilleries Limited says the real sector, still reeling from the adverse effects of the 2018 Excise duty, face bankruptcies, which could render millions without jobs with the new Value Added Tax VAT. Aighobahi also speaks on the menace of illicit liquor producers, among other issues. Excerpts: New VAT rate hike against the backdrop of the 2018 Excise duty Government has to always think deeply before introducing new taxes because it adversely companies in the real sector of the economy. When the Federal Government introduced excise duty in 2018, we tried to enter into dialogue with government several times, which came into nothing. Stakeholders then, under the aegis of Distillers and Blenders Association of Nigeria (DIBAN), and the Association of Food, Beverage and Tobacco Employers of Nigeria (AFBTE) rejected the 500% increase in excise duty rates on alcohol by government. Although the Federal Ministry

The value of money

By Femi Aribisala A woman brought an alabaster jar of very costly perfume and poured it all on Jesus. Jesus’ disciples were indignant, asking: “Why this waste? This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” (Matthew 26:8-9). But ultimately, perfume is meant to be used. Even if it is sold, the person who buys it would still “waste it” by using it. Expensive perfumes are not intended for use by the poor. They can only be afforded by the rich. So, what are Jesus’ disciples saying inadvertently? Is Jesus not rich enough to use expensive perfume? If not, who then can use it without it being a waste? This raises a number of other questions. What makes something valuable? Is something valuable because of its cost, or is it valuable because of its use? Child of God, don’t make the same mistake as the disciples of Jesus. Don’t determine the value of something by its monetary price. The valuable things are those things that are useful to God. Overrated m

‘People misunderstood Tinubu’s silence on Amotekun’

Oluseye Oladejo By Olasunkanmi Akoni Oluseye Oladejo is the Publicity Secretary of Lagos State chapter of All Progressives Congress (APC). In this interview, Oladejo speaks on insecurity, Operation Amotekun and de-registration of parties by the Independent National Electoral commission, INEC, among others. Excerpts: Asiwaju Bola Tinubu initially didn’t speak on Amotekun. What happened? Asiwaju Bola Tinubu’s position on the matter was very explicit. I think some people misunderstood the situation when some people went to make issue out of the silence of the APC National Leader on Amotekun. A notable leader will not speak on an issue when it is still germinating; a leader will need to wait till the fullness of time before coming out and expressing an opinion. And you will notice that when he (Tinubu) eventually spoke, it was actually more or less everything he said they are using as a template to drive Amotekun; asking them to follow the rule of law, follow the procedure while ask

The Wonder of turning Bitter to Better Life (5)

Kumuyi By William Kumuyi Isaiah 55:6-7 “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” You will obtain the mercy of God today and your bitter nature will become a better life as you come to Christ in Jesus name! Ezekiel 34:25 “And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.” The Lord is calling you to step out of sin and He wants you to have a covenant (an agreement) with Him so that you will be able to enjoy the benefits of His divine pardon for your life and for your family. When you accept the offer of the Lord, He will forgive your sins and make peace reign in your heart and your family will also experience divine peace. He will also grant

Appreciation is a key element in human life

By Pastor Oloruntimilehin Joshua Daramola The importance of appreciation cannot be over-emphasized. It is imperative that people should always show appreciation to person(s) that do any manner of goodness or kindness to them. In expressing the importance of appreciation, I want to look at it from three perspectives firstly God secondly Parent thirdly Others. God has been faithful and kind since we were in our mothers’ wombs; He provided everything required to survive in the womb. Eventually, we were born and started to grow into manhood, we have been able to walk, eat, see and do many things ourselves without a problem. In fact, God gave us the gift of life, joy of life and particularly the miracle of sleeping in the night and waking up the next day hale and hearty. Therefore, we need to appreciate HIM for all He has done for us till date. Imagine there some people who do not experience all these goodnesses, so we need to thank God and appreciate Him. Anyone that fails to appreciat

How does illness manifest in the physical? (Pt 1)

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. Exodus 15: 26 KJV In the life of the early fathers of the bible, people lived to a very long time. They slept in the Lord and there was no record of any dying because of sickness. At the beginning of time, man lived long as well as lived right because they were closer to God, however, as man becomes distant from God the length of their days became shorter. God’s original plan is for us to live in good health. He said, beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers. Therefore, God does not desire us to be ill. It is God’s desire that we are in good health.  Now, Elisha was falling sick of the sickness of which he died. 2 Kings 1

Faith in the Redemptive names of God (34)

Jehovah-Shaphat (The Lord our Judge) Text: Judges 11:27; Isaiah 33:22 By J.K. Akinola. (Senior Pastor) Introduction This redemptive name of God is a crucial one, and the last we are treating in this serial, that has a lot of lessons for us to learn in our covenant relationship with God, especially as Christians, unto whom the end of the world has come. We shall look at this name of God in about 5-part serial, and may the Lord open our eyes to the truths therein and quicken us in accordance to His Word in Jesus name. When bringing issues down to the import of this name as it applies to us today, our Lord Jesus Christ will be seen as the embodiment of this name. This is because, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said it in John 5:22-23: “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son”. If God hath committed all judgment into the hands of the Son, for obvious reasons of His redemptive plan, what a shame then it is for anyone who refuses to believe in the S

Nigerians respond to the call of the Bishops in numbers

By Sam Eyoboka with Agency reports MORE people than usual attended Ash Wednesday Mass in Nigeria following an appeal by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, CBCN, to use the day as one of national mourning, prayer and reflection for Nigerians – especially Christians, kidnapped or killed by terrorists or criminals in the country. Paul Samasumo – Vatican City The record attendance was confirmed by Nigeria’s Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of Oyo Diocese who is also Africa’s Bishop-President for Social Communications under SECAM, the continental body of Bishops. Bishop Badejo told Vatican News that according to reports he had received, from across the country, many of the faithful have turned up in numbers for Ash Wednesday Masses. This was in response to a call by Nigerian Bishops in a Pastoral letter addressed to the faithful. Nigerian Bishops also recommended that the faithful turn up for Ash Wednesday Mass dressed in black –an appropriate Nigerian expression for mourning. The Pasto

Insecurity: Archbishop Martins urges Christians to a non-violent war

CATHOLIC Archbishop of Lagos Metropolitan See, Most Rev Alfred Adewale Martins By Sam Eyoboka CATHOLIC Archbishop of Lagos, Most Reverend Alfred Adewale Martins has urged Christians in Nigeria to take advantage of the Lentern period to intensify a Holy war against current unbridled spate of killings, shameful insecurity techniques at all levels and a sheer lack of respect for our common humanity. In a statement titled: “War of non-violence”, Archbishop Martins said: “In the midst of these threatening and highly inflammable times, Christians must stand to ‘wage war’ against these menaces that give us a horrific stare, with all the weapons of Christian moral values and a surprising attitude of non-violence to a violent society. “Our war isn’t that of bloodshed, vengeance, anger, hatred but the conquering of evil and its perpetrators with the light of truth and the balance between faith and reason that exalts humanity as the centre of every endeavor,” he maintained. According to hi