Juliana Olayode, known as Toyo baby of Jenifa’s Diary fame has penned a lengthy epistle about love and care. The actress who wedded Lateef Oladimeji on the set of “Tomorrow is Now” last year, wondered aloud why people seem to care more about others after death rather than when alive. The actress, who must have been terribly saddened by Kobe Bryant’s sudden death cried out to people to show love to one another when it can be better appreciated and felt when alive. “I feel like people get more ‘love’ and get more ‘popular’ and get more ‘appreciated’ when they die than in their lifetime and it’s something that really hurts me, it’s something I still can’t wrap my head around. All of a sudden everyone knows that person and posting the person’s picture and writing epistles that they didn’t write in the person’s lifetime when the person could see it or read it,” wrote Adding, “let’s appreciate them as often as we can now that they are alive and can see, hear and read about everything th...